Who killed Cock Robin?    
──I,said the Sparrow.
with my bow and arrow.    
──I killed Cock Robin.

Who saw him die?       
──I,said the Fly.
with my little eye.      
──I saw him die.

Who caught his blood?     
──I'said the Fish.
with my little dish.     
──I caught his blood.

Who'll make the shroud?    
──I,said the Beetle.
with my thread and needle.  
──I'll make the shroud.

Who'll dig his grave?     
──I,said the Owl.
with my pick and shovel.   
──I'll dig his grave.

Who'll be the parson?     
──I,said the Rook.
with my little book.     
──I'll be the parson.

Who'll be the clerk?     
──I,said the Lark.
if it's not in the dark.   
──I'll be the clerk.

who'll carry the link?    
──I, said the Liwnet.
I'll fetch it in a minute.  
──I'll carry the link.

48560番目のCock Robin──…

空の上から 全ての小鳥が
ため息ついたり すすり泣いたり
みんなが聞いた 鳴り出す鐘を
かわいそうなCock Robinの

